A diversity fable written by New Orleans native William Guillory, PhD, offers answers to that question, and what all Americans can do to turn tragedy into new life.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Pleiadians

Bill Guillory connecting to the old group. I have a new book. The Pleiadians.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm Back!

To those of you who continued to visit my blog while I have been hibernating, I'm back with some new interesting stuff for your consideration. I will be writing about the most powerful force in the universe--Love. Not only manifested forms of love, such intimacy, marriage, dating, or traditional ways we use and abuse feelings and emotions, but love as the source that can transform the consciousness of each individual as well as planet earth.

I also plan to discuss how this force can be harnessed in practical ways to center ourselves and provide clarity for each of us in terms of what is really important from a human experience. These determinations will be made by you of course by exploring alternative paths to the ones you may now be pursing and accelerating the path of those already "on track."

I'm sure you would agree we are at a crossroads with respect the path of human compatibility. So the question is can we begin infuse the power of Love into our daily lives to simply provide personal peace. I assure you, you or we can, but not the way we presently view reality. So, the choice is "pay now, or pay later!"


Friday, May 23, 2008

Rule #7-- It's Always Someone Else's Fault

The example that immediately comes to mind are building contractors. I've been involved in building a cabin in the mountains for the last two years. When the plumber's assistant drilled into a supporting beam, the structure was not passed by the building inspector. The owner of the plumbing company, to this day, does not claim responsibility for the incident. Notwithstanding, I had to pay $1300.O0 to repair the mistake with another supporting beam. My major plumber said to me, "these things happen. It's not my fault, and I am certainly not paying you $1300.00!"

However, I had not paid him fully for the contracting work he had done. This is the ONLY card you have to play. However, it's not quite that simple. I still needed him to finish the job. And, he had plenty of demand for his work. So, what did I do? This is where negotiation begins. Particularly, since this guy is the best around. I'm thinking, this is such B.S. I don't need these games in my life. I need people who take responsibility for their screw-ups. But alas, not in the construction business.

By the way, this kind of screw-up was repeated by the painter, who refused to return to do final touch up as he promised. The most blatant form of irresponsibility is making promises and breaking them as easily as eating a hot dog. No integrity, no honesty, no sense of apology! That's just the way it is! Only new competition will change this situation or less demand for building contractors.

Now for the Good, in the midst of the Bad and the Ugly. My electrician (Dan Collings), my log stacker (Larry Smith of Spanish Fork, Utah is the absolute best in the business and reliable), and the guy who has done my inside work, tirelessly. His name is Mike Sanford in Spanish Fork, Utah. So, if you want a reliable contractor who takes pride in what he does. These are the guys! Oh, I forgot to mention some of my other contractors, but one was so bad I will not say anything further.

In spite of the situation I have described, the individual who also emerged with outstanding marks, is the guy who drilled my well. He has roots in Mississippi (and I am Black), he is almost threatening, and he's the best driller in Utah. My well stopped working and I called him to let him know I was against a wall with financing. He said he would check it out in the next few days; and he did!

In the process of testing the well motor, he burned the motor out. When he called he told me the truth and said he would not charge me for the burned out motor. I was astounded and pleased that I encountered a contractor who told the truth, kept his word, and worked until he repaired my well. (Water is precious in the mountains.) By the way his company is Miller Drilling out of Provo, Utah. He's the absolute best!

What's the point I'm trying to make. I've very rarely encountered a profession where the sequence of contractors who come in and do their work, often screw-up and claim no responsibility. In fact, quite often you have to make sure they've done the job right yourself or hire someone to do so. Like sheet rocking over electrical outlets, breaking light fixtures, painting over window screens, installing cabinets incorrectly, etc., and not really caring. If I ran my consulting business like some of the contractors I hired, on good advice, I wouldn't have a business.

Well, I think you've got it! "It's always someone else's fault"

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Rule #6--Promise Things You Have No Intention of Doing

It's quite amazing how many times in a day I promise people that I will call them, keep in touch, meet them for a drink, or say "we really must get together." When, in fact, it's all B.S. I just feel good about assuaging my guilt or pretending to miss them, or whatever it is that is driving me to promise things I have no time or interest for!

Why? God, I don't know. I guess I want to be in touch with the world. At the time, I really want to be with them and catch up on things, but I don't want to use up my future time to make choices.

My best male friend and I used to spend at least four days a week when I was going through a post separation process. He was my rock. He was the reason I made it through. He is my main man. I know I can depend on him no matter what. Now, we see each other possibly once a month. We vow to make it more often and we don't. However, I KNOW that if I ever need him he will be there.

The use of this rule to look more responsible is the "kiss of death." Particularly, in the workplace. It's amazing to watch people who want to be overloaded with responsibilities that they can't live up to. When they can't do what was promised, they point out how often they came through, how hard they worked, and missing a few promises isn't that big a deal!

These are individuals who love overload! They live on it! They thrive on it! It's what they live for. And when they occasionally come through, they want to be worshiped.I'm sorry, but I know the game. And many of you know the game also. In fact, you know someone who fits this profile perfectly. (You should refer them to this blog site. Or send them a download of the audio book.

The point is, this rule ultimately catches up with anyone who has this pattern. I once decided that I would pay close attention to what I promised and would not promise anything I did not want to do. It's amazing how my life cleaned up. How stress-free I was. And most of all, how centered I felt. Recently I've gotten away from that level of honesty. It's so out of the normal expectation, that began to feel something was wrong with me.

Well, I think you get the point about this rule. We probably all use to some extent!

Download the audio version and/or buy the book!

Friday, May 2, 2008

An Audio Version of the Failure Book

In the right-hand column of this site is a conversational version of the Failure book. Download it, send it to your friends, and use it for exercising, walking, or just relaxing to have a good laugh!

Then, if you choose, buy it on Amazon.com


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Guest Blogger--Ulla form Germany

Reading the Failure Book I’ve got aware that there is one central theme called: Responsibility.

If we’re resisting learning anything new, if we’re promising things we have no intention of doing, if it’s always someone else’s fault, or if the truth is in the mind of the beholder, in each and every of these mentioned cases, we’re not willing to take responsibility for our own life.

What, in fact, doesn’t change anything – the only one who is responsible for what ever occurs in my life – is ME, if I like it or not. It’s never, and it never was, my parents, my older brother, not my teacher or my spouse. But it’s so easy and comfortable to put the blame on them.

Is it my fault, that my marriage was bound to go wrong? Sorry – yes it is. And that’s ok. Ahead of being able to take responsibility there is accepting. If there is no way to go on together, we’ll have to face the truth and take responsibility for our solutions. How ever they might be.

This book is including a wonderful secret, and the authors don’t keep it, they are giving it to us (thanks a lot): Every fault is a new possibility; nobody will condemn us, if we fail. They will pay us tribute, respect and regard when we’re able to accept us the way we are.

Reading some of the stories I started to think about how the authors came to know me so well. I don’t know Phil at all – but – he knows that my little girl once wanted to have a horse. It was my part to tell her, that I’m not able to buy a horse. We all have to deal with disappointment, more ore less, sooner or later; life is not always up there; sometimes it is down here. But we are only growing from challenges.

And this guy, Terry, how come that he knows that I was afraid of coloured people? It’s not Terry and it’s not me – we’re all afraid of differences, people not being the way we are. Different in thinking, looking and behaving. This should be a challenge, being curious about getting closer to them; listening to them. What we will discover: they are just the same than we are, there is absolutely no difference.

We are one – if we believe it or not.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rule #5 in the Failure Book--It's All About the Money

This rule is more prevalent than I had thought. I'm not out of touch with the reality of the world. However, I had thought that there was some ethical or moral character that would come into play in back-to-the-wall situations. Like political races or not selling out when you encounter a challenge that requires personal growth. But, you must know by now that I'm an idealist who is probably out-of-touch with the earth-plane reality.

In the course of my business lifetime, there were several customers who thought they controlled our company because they were contracted for significant sums. I must say that the combined agreement of our employees was never to sell out who we were for the money; and we didn't!

There was also an occasion when I gave a speech to a Fortune 50 corporation where there was excessive coaching by internal people of how, when, and what I should say. I followed their advice. The presentation was a disaster. I vowed then that I would never do that again. I would be my authentic self or not speak. When they sent me the payment for the speech, I sent it back, saying that I had not earned the sum sent to me; fully or in part!

So, what's it with you? Write and let me know. Is it all about the money or am I really out-of-touch with reality?

A conversational version the Failure book is attached as an audio file. It is a conversation between Sue Kwon, San Francisco TV Personality, and your truly, Bill.

Listen and enjoy! It's great! The chapters are recorded 7 to 9 minutes at a time.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Science of Consciousness

Ten years ago, I was asked to write an article for a journal about the intersection between science and metaphysics. More precisely, I was asked to comment about where I thought Newtonian-Cartesian Science was headed--possibly to the study of pure energy. I stated that it was obvious that the progression was from the study of "something" to the study of "nothing"--or the study of consciousness.

The obvious skills available to humans for the study of consciousness are metaphysical skills. So the next paradigm will involve study beyond the bodymind world of those things we can see, feel, and probe with every possible kind of instrumentation.

It will involve developing the power of the mind beyond the survival-driven programming that so totally controls our base motivations. We might even learn how to get along on this very small, but magnificent, planet. It is the obvious key to a transformation in the planetary consciousness so desperately needed to ensure our continued existence.

I have attached this paper to this site along the right-side column for your reading pleasure. Take a look and let me know what you think!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rule #4 in the Failure Book--Always Look Out For Number One

This rule probably permeates Western society and is rapidly catching on to the entrepreneurial types in other parts of the world. It's essence is doing whatever necessary for your own success, even at the expense of others or the environment for that matter. It's commonly referred to as "Social Darwinism." Although, what Darwin actually proposed is far from this notion.

I had a good friend who once used the phrase, "You eat what you Kill." He used it as his sales philosophy as well as how he operated, in large part, professionally. When sales were good, his philosophy was validated and justified. When his industry hit hard time, his organization used it to "right-size" him. It was a real come down that resulted in a lesson he has never forgotten about the value of others in his personal success.

My mother used to say to me, "Treat the people you meet good on your way up because they are the same ones who you'll encounter on your way down." What I've learned over the years is that we all experience "the way down" in some aspect of our lives where we discover what humility is--by experience. Whatever success we've achieved, it's never as profound as being humbled to the core. On the exit side is the Aha resulting from transformation.

Actually, looking out for #1 in an interconnected world is a dichotomy. I suspect if we live long enough, we ultimately discover the illusion of this rule. However, don't take my word for it, work it as long as it works. On the other hand, he sooner the illusion is realized, the sooner we discover ourselves through the authentic relationship with others.

Again, the book "How To Become A Total Failure" in on Amazon.com and on our website at innovint.com

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rule #3 in the Failure Book--Be A Jerk

Being a jerk can have its advantages; particularly, if the people around you are willing to put up with insensitive, obnoxious behaviors. Since no one wants any extended time with a jerk, it appears that this individual can get his or her way. This sequence of thinking is NOT necessarily true!

I remember an occasion when my former wife had set up a meeting with a very prestigious woman writer. She was internationally acclaimed for her work in leadership theory. Since my former wife knew I channelled and had received some incredible material regarding FuturePerfect leadership, she set up the meeting so that we might get to know each other. To make a long story short, I behaved like a complete jerk! Why? I have no idea. The famous lady still hates me to this day (10 years). She pretends she doesn't even know me at meetings when we make eye contact. I really can't blame her. The tragedy is, together we could have come up with some incredible stuff. Well, that's life.

The Point: Being a jerk has no redeeming value. It's a losing, immature cause that has no advantages in the short or long term. The loss is what I could have learned from the famous writer. The lesson is what I have learned about being authentic as often as possible. I am still a work in progress. As you peruse your life, consider the time(s) you behaved as a jerk or someone you observed. Notice, if being a jerk is mainly driven by insecurity. It is cured by learning to be authentic. It begins with accepting yourself exactly as you are! Even though it might not fit the picture you have of yourself or others. At least, it's who you really are!

Buy the book on Amazon or our website. By the way, the book will soon be distributed by Costco and a major book distributor. Everyone who reads it thinks it is a bestseller! And it will be! With your support.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rule #2 in the Failure Book--Don't Share What You Know With Others

Unfortunately, this rule is more pervasive than we think. In a competitive, dog-eat-dog world, information that others don't have appears, in the short term, to be an advantage. However, information is a form of energy. If you try to control and store it, it will find some way to explode!

I had this realization several years ago when I used to be on the lookout for consultants using Innovations workbook materials. Then I realized how much time, energy, and effort I devoted to that activity. If I devoted the same resources to continually creating new ideas, exercises, and learnings of our work, we would always be ahead of the game.

This realization led to Innovations inviting over 300 independent consultants to our Salt Lake office to learn our two-day diversity program FREE OF CHARGE! This process not only led to new improved exercises, but a whole cadre of facilitators using our materials as the industry standard! This realization led to the next Aha! There is enough business for everybody. The real challenge is staying on the cutting edge with new breakthrough materials.

So the opportunity is how do we best use all the information we have to share to create the new knowledge we uniquely need. That's why I freely contribute everything I have learned on this blog site. I invite all of you 3000 visitors a month to do the same with each other!

The Failure book is on Amazon.com. Visit, write a comment or two, and buy the book!


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rule #1 in the Failure Book--Resist Learning Anything New

It's amazing how prevalent the resistence to new learning is in most workplaces. The compromise most people like to make is "How can I learn the least in the longest period of time." After all, we have to have new learning simply to survive. Why do we resist?

The answer is, new learning will change our reality. After all, we already figured it out at 13 years old. Since then, we've been trying to prove that that point of enlightenment was the culmination of all new learning that could change our lives. Nobody wants to change when he or she has figured out the nature of reality.

For example, we live in the knowledge-base era. New learning is expected to be a necessity in the world of work. And most Gen Xers and Gen Yers are right on board when new learning involves Information Technology (IT) The same is not so true when it involves creativity, innovation, or quantum-thinking. These cognitive skills require transformation in the most fundamental way. In this sense, younger workers are no different than mature workers.

When Shelly Novak joined a high tech, cutting-edge organization on the West coast, she saw it as a dream come true. She quickly learned that she was not as skilled as she presumed herself to be. Having come from an organizatiion that had put up with resistant learning on her part, until they figured she had no future there, she found herself agreeing to a mutual parting of the ways. In her new position, she sudenly found herself surrounded by hotshots that operated in different reality. She concluded the gap was simply too much cover in her desire to meet the expectations of her new organization. Her fate was predictable. Find a place where she could "nest," and fake it for as long as she could finesse it! As of this writing, she's still surviving.

So, what's the point? Without continuous learnig, your days are numbered. And that goes for us all. We are only as valuable as our personal stock. That is, our value on the Market of Work--similar to the Stock Market. Are we blue chippers, junk bonds, or quick risers and fallers?

This is the discussion in the first chapter of the book, "How to Become a Total Failure." Free download on wwwtenwaystofail.com. Buy 10 copies and get a discount. Give them as gifts to friends for which you want to send a message. There are some wonderful messages in this book.

Buy copies form this website or www.razorpages.com.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

New Bestseller by Bill and Phil

Phil and I have just published our new book "How To Become A Total Failure." The Ten Rules of Highly Unsuccessful People! You can link to our incomplete blog site for more description at www.tenwaystofail.com/blog.

We share wonderful stories about how we sabotage ourselves in thinking that looking out only for ourselves is the road to success. Only to discover that it's an interconnected world and no one makes it to the "top" alone.

The book then suggest ways to convert patterns of failure into formulas for success; ending with The Ten Rules for Success. It's a great read with numerous, humorous stories.

You can purchase the book by emailing or phoning Innovations International, Inc. It will soon be available on Amazon.com. In fact, you might email them now requesting it.

Phone 1-(800) 487-3354 or fax 1-(801) 268-3422 or email: innovationsintl@qwest.net

I look forward to your feedback on the book. I guarantee you will enjoy it and will want to buy copies for your friends!


Friday, February 15, 2008

Ulla--Guest Blogger Responding to My Last Blog

I was reading "Finding Life". I cannot agree with your statement that most people don't care about material things or money. My point of view is that they would not like to give much attention to these things, but, they think they need to. Because the most important responsibility is to take care of family, then friends and relatives.

To be able to take care of them, the common source is money. Very few are aware that giving love,feelings, and emotions is much more than material. They even cannot imagine that it could be this way. This is too easy - and life is hard and difficult, it has to. To let go, to follow the flow your life is taking you, is like giving up. People are looking for the difficult ways. We're all raised with the words: "If you want to reach something in your life - you'll have to work very hard!" And that's what most are living. To transform is like: giving up your strong held beliefs and giving in to something you don't know but you're needing to trust in.

If we want people to transform, what is our absolute goal, we're asking them to let go safety and protection (or what they seem it to be). We're asking them to open and to show who they really are. We're asking them to show the world their inner most secret. Falling in love at first sight is much easier than falling in confidence at first sight. We tend toavoid disappointment and we have to face it: There is no being able to avoid anything!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Finding Life

I've been travelling quite a lot lately. Therefore, I've not communicted with you in a few weeks. What I have learned is that people pretty much the same everywhere. They want to be able to provide for their families, raise their children, support their love ones and friends. And on occasion, they want to celebrate life.

Most people don't want very much in the way material possesions or riches; just to be above food, shelter, and clothing. Most have no interest in control, domination , or power. Why doesn't this consciousness dominate the the planet?

I have discovered that if I live consistent with my passion I feel satisfied with my earth-plane existence. Even if I have not made a differnece. It's more important to me to be a differnce. For example, I had dinner with a colleague who does seminars with thousands of people a year all over the world. We began discussing the impact of her work and she tearfully shared that there was an emptiness in her work. I asked her what were her expectations. She responded that she wanted her participants to face up to their difficulties and transform.

I reminded her that their transformation was not in her control. That such an objective was her own ego-satisfaction; and had little to do with her clients or their well-being. That the drive to make a difference often lead us to attempt to control the fate of others rather than assuming the the "universe" will lead to the best resolution.

So what I have been reaffirmed of is that life finds its own "fault line" if we just let go and help others find their own path and self-created fate. There can be no better way of making a difference by being a difference.


Friday, February 1, 2008

From 40,000 Feet

I had a dream last night. I was observing the human dynamics on the planet we have named Earth. In spite of the efforts by many to live "from" love, violence and division dominant the planetary consciousness. Not only in terms of mass conflict of armed encounters, but also in our most popular books, video games, newspapers, television, or any form of information delivery that is most popular. And we wonder why violence and separation are inherent in our relationships, societal systems, and countries of the world.

Quite simply, we create the reality we observe. All of us, worldwide! We like to amuse ourselves with talk of peace, love, and unity. But the prevailing consciousness of this small planet of highly intelligent human beings do not appear to have the potential to create such a reality! Why? I dont't really know. But the need to be right permeates the dominant human consciousness right down to the core of our programmed realities that we collective declare to be truth! I would still like to meet the person who "knows the truth, by spiritual experience; not through teachings and mass agreement."

So, an intersting question is "Where are we headed? Because we are definitely headed in a specific direction toward a specific outcome. At least, when we get there we can all say we were right; and extinct. If you believe in going with the flow, then wherever we are headed is okay. Just remember, there are no victims, we are all collectively responsible and accountable for the human fate of planet Earth.

These comments are not meant to discourge the efforts of those who do live in a context of love, peace, and oneness. Because there are many who do. Such a consciousness is simply not doninant, at present. I wonder what would happen if 50% of us decided to stop gossiping about others, help those less fortunate than ourselves, and began accepting those in our lives, unconditonally. I do not think such a situation is possible in a given community of human inhabitants of this plant; except for those aboriginal to this panet.

Well, I think I'll program my dream state to do another visit from 40,000 feet. Maybe, I've missed the point. Maybe, I'm seeing what I want to see, even in my dream state. I certainly hope so!

Love and Peace,

Those of you in Europe, espically my visitors from Sweden, come to my seminars just outside of Frankfurt this month. Email Ulla Knoll at ulla1301@yahoo.com

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Guest Blogger from Germany--Ulla Knoll

Good morning to all of you out there!

Today I want to share, what a very good, close, friend was telling me:Focus on your relationships, not to the world. You’re like a stone thrown into the water. If you throw a stone into your pond you’ll see the waves it’ll make. There are circles getting bigger and bigger. That’s how you’re acting in your relationships. You don’t have to see or feel a change. But there is one.

And live your life out of your “inner brain” not with your head. Listen to your feelings. If there is a sudden feeling, listen to it.This inner brain is not influenced by the way you’re brought up. During growing up you forgot about acting out of your heard, your feelings, your inner brain. You’ve started thinking, and you’ve started weighing up: If I do that -what may happen? Will I be doing good? And you’ve been captured in a net. You’ve lived your life, creating an new one. A life that’s called:

How others want me to be. Just return listening to your inner brain. And by the time you’ll become centered, you’ll know what to do and for all that you’re taking responsibility. ’cause it’s YOU.

I’m sure, this is the way we all should go on. Focussing on ourselves, being a change in the world. Would be great if I could give you some words to discus about.

Looking to hear from you.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Popular Guest Blogger--Phil Davis

I couldn't agree more with you Bill. I'm backing Barrack Obama for president, not because he's the most experienced candidate or the best manager. Hillary has more experience and Romney is probably a better manager. But we don't need a manager (or a puppet) as our next president. We need inspiration. Already Barrack has influenced the other democratic candidates as they are beginning to focus on being change agents, a message Obama had from the beginning. Leadership is about vision and influencing people and as Barrack says, words are important to accomplish this.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Seminar in Germany

I will be presenting a seminar near Frankfurt, Germany on Wednesday, February 20, 2008. It is open to the public. It is described below: (Also, see the previous blog for the seminar "The Power of Personal Performance" presented on Monday February 18, 2008.)

Leadership for the 21st Century—Creating an Inclusive, High-Performance Organization

PERHAPS THE MOST CRUCIAL ELEMENT for professional success in the 21st century is leadership. I define leadership as the ability to influence others. Influence their

• commitment to achieving an objective (thinking)
• willingness to change (transformation)
• willingness to perform (behavior)

These competencies involve the combination of both cognitive (mind-set) and functional (performance) skills—thinking and behaving. The greatest challenge in combining these two skills for maximum performance is changing one’s mind-set and correspondingly, one’s way of thinking.

For example, the most important shift in thinking, necessary for success today, is expanding from cooperation to collaboration. I define cooperation as working together for a common purpose, benefit, or joint action driven mostly by necessity. Whereas, collaboration is working together out of commitment to maximize performance, where one’s individuality is secondary to team success. It involves trust, respect, and humility in addition to exceptional performance capability.

“Leading high performance in the 21st
century is synonymous with
leading collaboration.”

Several years ago, I attempted to bring to together seven different consulting firms to explore ways we might work together in a more collaborative way. We had already mastered using each other out of necessity, in terms of limited resources such as people and expertise for large projects. However, we had not learned to reduce our individuality sufficiently to engage a project that anticipated the future. As a group of seven different firms, with incredible energy, creativity, and talent, we were only partially successful in our collaborative efforts.

On the other hand, we did experience a series of successes from two or three firms working together. We learned that the intention to collaborate had to also involve recognizing one’s own critical skills and teaming with others to complement the other necessary components. In spite of the fact that we were all multi-talented as entrepreneurs, the central idea driving successful collaborations was to focus on one’s single-most extraordinary talent. We learned one partner was exceptional at networking (marketing), one partner was exceptional at design (creating new products and services), another was exceptional at production (scale level production), and the final element was delivery to the public and service (sales and customer service). These components are no different than the various divisions of a corporation. The key is learning how to balance individuality (which is crucial for success) with collaboration. The two are not mutually exclusive! Therefore, learning how to leverage the power of collaboration is a critical leadership skill for personal and organizational success.

The third critical element for leading high performance is inclusion. Inclusion is an environment where all employees experience equity of opportunity for success. It is an environment where everyone feels wanted, appreciated, and valued for his or her contribution to the organization’s success—irrespective of differences. The key word in the previous statement is differences; differences in sex, ethnicity, nationality, education, native language, position or title, or culture. It is estimated that 80% of the loss processes in producing a product or service is due to interpersonal difficulties resulting from differences. These difficulties include miscommunication, poor relationships, ethnocentrism, lack of collaboration, continual conflict, and control-oriented management. Each contributing to the underutilization of people and significant loss in performance, productivity, and profitability. Learning and implementing the leadership skills of inclusion is the key to creating “profitable environment of production.”

This seminar will provide highly interactive and experiential exercises for learning these three leadership skills:

• Leading high performance
• Leveraging the power of collaboration • Creating an inclusive environment

The site is Klosterberghalle, Langenselbold; kontakt@academy-of-new-life.com is the site for registration. Telepnoe number in Germany for Ulla Knoll:Germany 06055/937369

Seminar in Germany

I will be presenting two seminars/workshops just outside of Frankfurt Germany. "The Power of Personal Performance" on Monday February 18, 2008. The description is attached below:

The Power of Personal Performance

The most important asset we each have in the “world of work” is our performance potential. That is, our ability to bring value to workplace activities that result in greater performance, productivity, and profitability. Profitability is the result of producing our products and services in the most effective and efficient manner. Effectiveness involves the best processes (e.g., Six Sigma) or management system (e.g., Empowerment); whereas, efficiency involves the best utilization of resources (e.g., time, people, materials, and money). Empowerment is the capacity to perform.

Performance potential begins with an individual’s talents, skills, and experiences driven by a mind-set of success. It’s important to recognize that one’s performance potential, in practice, is no greater than the power (mind-set) that drives it. This is a mind-set which assumes a high degree of responsibility and accountability for his or her success— in spite of workplace challenges. For example, it is not uncommon, worldwide, that we all experience inequities in the workplace for which we feel victimized. The question is, “Is it possible to transform that feeling of victimization to one of ‘empowerment,’ in spite of the inequities we might experience?” The answer this seminar proposes is a resounding, Yes! This transformation in mind-set is primarily a result of making a distinction between “unfairness” and “personal responsibility” with a focus on performance.

After establishing a mind-set of “empowerment,” we are prepared to learn new skills involving new personal competencies, as well as new skills in working effectively with others. In addition to maintaining one’s performance potential at a high level of competency through continuous learning, today’s workplace expects employees to be able to plan prioritize, execute, and focus their workplace responsibilities with the least amount of oversight and management. This is self-management. When given an assignment, do you know how to plan it, organize it, and secure the people and resources necessary to execute it? Or, do you need to be told how to perform these responsibilities. An essential part of personal performance is learning a method for organizing and executing your professional (and personal) activities.

The third element of personal success is knowing where you want to be in the short-term and long-term—however you personally define these two phrases. The more your desired future is specific, definable, and a clear picture in your mind, the more probable you will achieve it.

What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it; boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.


In addition, the instant you commit to that desired future, the greater the probability unforeseen resources will come to your aid.

Once a person commits to something, providence sets in; all forms of support will come to his or her aid that could never have been predicted.


This seminar will provide highly interactive and experiential exercises for learning these three skills for exceptional personal performance:

• Personal empowerment
• Self-management
• Designing you future

The site is Klosterberghalle, Langensebold; kontakt@acade
my-of-life.com for registration. Telepnoe number in Germany for Ulla Knoll:Germany 06055/937369.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Relections on the Old Year--And Hopes for the New Year

I always become very reflective around this time of year. Mainly because something inside of me is activated. A feeling. An urge. An overwhelming sense of urgency to make sure that I am moving from the old year to the new with a break in consciousness.

An urge to reflect, to examine, to evaluate myself and the state of the world. So that I don't just take for granted the freedoms and opportunities I have by being an American citizen. That is not to say that I condone the "isms," injustices of what certain groups courageously endure everyday, and even the pain we cause ourselves. I still believe, perhaps naively, that my happiness is primarily my responsibility. And that the more happiness, joy, and enthusiasm I "bring" to my relationships, the happier I will be.

I realize that there are places where there is suppression of the expression of the human spirit, but the human spirit itself cannot be suppressed by anyone except myself. That is, living in a state of empathy, compassion, humility, and love. This is the state where I find peace and happiness with how things are rather than how they should be.

I also recognize that I am constantly in a state of becoming, mainly driven by the experiences and forces of life. Some lessons are harsh, from my perspective, and some are loving and gentle. For me, the harsh ones are the most profound. Like losing someone we love with all the intensity and strength we can spiritually express. It is this type of experience that has the potential for creating an everlasting spiritual connection within ourselves. The process is "letting go" of the mental attachments that appear to sustain us on a human level and allow the spiritual expression to find its own way in human form.

The transition also reminds me of my desire to base my life on a personal vision. This vision has no form of how the world should be. It is simply to assist in creating "human compatibility" among human beings on planet earth. For me, this is a state of being. A state of consciousness that I believe to be a necessity for our continued existence. That vision is the major purpose of this blog site.

I am convinced that if we can collectively experience a critical transformation in human consciousness, permanent solutions will follow with blinding speed. In fact, most of the solutions we require exist today, and have existed for millenia. However, they have all been driven from a context of survival and threat. Therefore, what ultimately shows up are temporary fixes that we somehow know will not be any lasting value.

I am constantly reminded by the optimists I encounter that that the consciousness that I speak of is increasing in number and intensity. I'm not so sure. I struggle between wanting to believe them and yet grounded by my scientific upbringing of tangible, measurable results. In spite of these doubts, I will live my vision everyday as though I am an infinitesimal difference that is influencing human consciousness toward a state of human compatibility.

Have you given thought to what your personal vision is for yourself, those you love, and the world. When you have it, then live it everyday in your sphere of influence. Together we can make a difference by first being a difference.

Your comments are appreciated.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Guest Blogger--Dan

We live in this society which socializes us to value money and achieving it as a way to validate the self. Now, I am speaking about my socialization world growing up, and if you came from a world where the love of doing something in itself was the top prize, regardless of the money situation, quite honestly, I admire that and am a little bit envious.

Growing up, I thought if I could have just enough money to raise a family and keep everyone happy, that is success. Although fleeting thoughts of "what I wanted to do in life-a passion" crept in at times, I often chose paths that money would follow.

Now, at the age of 40, reality has hit in like a ton of bricks. Sure money is important, yet it is not even close to everything. My relationship with my wife, Elizabeth and three boys, Michael 5, Matthew 3, and Cole 1 are the most prescious.

Recently, I discovered a revelation about myself. Whenever, I am desiring the need to be famous or achieve external rewards such as money, it occurs when I am not doing something of "passion" or something that is alligned with my values.

In November, I completed the Philadelphia Marathon. After training for 6 months, and experiencing the pain, sweat, and tears of the process...an elation came over me of joy and peace. This feeling is what is important...as this goal was alligned with my values. My lesson: One of the best experiences in my life, had nothing to do with money. Secondly, it was one of the most difficult challenges and successes in my life.

As we move forward in to 2008, my goal is to really uncover the layers of the onions to my true work passions and continue pursuing them and that it works for the fabulous four.

Happy Holidays to all, thanks for listening.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ulla--Guest Blogger

What does it mean to you that you've not mastered this
major area of relationships? (This question is only to
be answered to yourself! I didn't either.) For me I
don't know if there is really a mastering of
relationships anyway - I guess it's more a learning. A
relationship is the most difficult challenge in life,
especially an intimate one. My point of view to what a
relationship is about has totally changed. There are
two people, they're finding each other. To love
somebody to me means: I'll do all I can to support and
to help him. To let him be the person he already is
(and this is the real difficult part). As soon as I'm
trying to change anything he does or he is - I'm
automatically changing the one I love - would I still
love him, when he's meeting my expectations, when I've
made him change his habits and behaviors? No - because
he's no longer the one I was falling in love with.
Love is not to be exprienced in good times it's more
important to experience love in bad times. And love is
needing truth and confidence as well as imperfection
and failures.
It's more important to give than to get. Listening is
more important than talking. Being here is more
important than going out. Sharing times together in
quietness and silence. Being one.

Am I too romantic or unrealistic?

The more years we can count the more value is our
life. Therefore conflict and gossip are things we
don't need anymore, that's wasting time, and we don't
have that much and we should'nt waste it. But
sometimes they are facing us - that's the time to show
the results we learned in our unique "workshop of

My Special Day Report

Just as Ithought. When I let go of control all kinds of thoughts began to surface. Particularly, with respect to relationships in my life. I guess it's not surprising. It's the major area of my life that I have not mastered. I feel good about the other parts of my life in terms of growing and learning.

I have a basic dilemma. I enjoy my time alone when I don't want to meet anyone else's needs. And, I also enjoy being with others in meaningful interactions and conversations. I've also reached the point where I understand myself fairly well. Therefore, frequent conflict or gossip is not something I have much patience for anymore.

My point in sharing my thoughts is not a confession, but perhaps to stimulate your own self-examination. I find that it's a powerful exercise to do a regular mental check-up of expectations we have of ourselves and others.

During this season, I plan to continue my introspection process. So that I can do sufficient housekeeping that none of the "stuff" built-up in 2007 will be carried over to 2008. However, prior to transitioning into 2008, I will be writng my vision and objectives. Hope you do the same. If your mind doesn't know what you want then you'll probably be unhappy with what you have.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Special Day

I recently had conversation with one of best friends. He shared with me that he takes a day off every month to be with himself. The day is unplanned and evolves, and is driven by a force within himself. It's like his inner self knows exactly the activities he wants and needs.

The major lesson in his Special Day is trust. Not external trust of others or even himself, but an inner, probably spiritual trust. You can begin to see that such a trust in one's self means a complete loss of control. Because you don't know where it may lead you or the "inner game" you may be participating in! If control is vitally important to you then your Special Day would be one which is well-planned with no deviations or probable surprises.

On the other hand, if you are an adventurer of "inner space," then a spiritually driven special Day per month is perfect. That's exactly what I have in mind for myself today. Just writing this blog has already created a process within me of foreboding or the rumblings of fear. There must be something down there that is just waiting to come to my conscious awareness. I will find out before the day is over and let you know.

In the meantime, why don't you ask yourself how much you trust your self being totally out of control. What might you learn or already have inkling of. Particularly, if you have had this feeling of foreboding for some time. The programmed psyche is a truly mysterious thing. But nothing compared with your spiritual consciousness when it demands to be "heard." Again, I know this from experience.

If you read this blog early enough today, why don't you experiment with me on a half-day basis. Then share with me what you experienced. Or not! Well, "I'm off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz!"


Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Time for Reflection

During the Thanksgiving-Christmas season I always take time to reflect on just about everything: Am I doing what I really want to do in my work? How well do I prioritize my time with people and events? Do I know myself well enough to know the kinds of relationship(s) I want; especially intimate ones? Do I feel compelled to fulfill the expectations of others? What are my short and long-term goals and aspirations? How well am I managing money for the short and long terms? And most of all, what comprises happiness for me?

These questions require quiet meditation for me. It appears to also require a kind of selfishness where the answers are all about me. That's okay, because the next sphere of consideration is, "How does my reflection affect and include someone or those around me?" For me, this should be a stepwise process of me first without the aspirations of others mixed with my answers and then recognizing that I don't live in a world without those I love, work, and serve, my personal aspirations and goals must include them.

This is the difficult part of growing up or maturing. How do I "include" others without losing myself or feeling forced to do things that breed resentment--either spoken or unspoken? Moving through this delicate process requires "two" people who are willing to learn and grow. I notice that a number of maturing individuals, particularly women, choose to be single rather than simply "putting up" with a warm body to feel complete. There are a few lessons I have learned through the "workshop of life."

1) Don't feel the need for someone to complete you, you are complete, whole, and perfectly learning, just as you are.

2) Don't look for someone to make you happy or fulfill your dreams, this expectation, in practice, will only breed resentment, polarization, and and unhappy relationship. Bring your happiness with you "to" the relationship and you both will have extended periods of bliss!

3) Don't try to hide the difficult conversations. Things change. People change. Relationships change. And sometimes things can hurt real bad. I know from experience. But hanging in there with a trusted friend can lead to the discovery of a new person inside yourself.

4) As you reflect on the questions above, begin to create a vision or a dream for yourself in whatever spheres of life that interest you most. Then make a "quick plan" for achieving that vision. Then figure out who and what you will as resources. Remember, most of the vision or dream depends on you!

As always, the more ambitious your dream, the greater the test. Oh yeah, somewhere in the process you will be tested as to how badly you really want your dream. I know you have been reading "The Secret," but your dream will not materialize without sweat, pain, and passing your unique tests. So dream something that is both realistic and challenging.

For now, just take a week or so for reflection. Pose the important questions to your subconscious and just be receptive to the answers popping up at unpredictable times; even while you are sleeping! Then move the second phase: formulating a vision or a dream so vivid that you could see, taste, and feel it! Then, move to phase three: planning. As you implement your plan, visualize your end-state every morning. It will guide your daily activities in the direction of your dream.

Let me know how you doing with your process or bumps you might encounter.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Appreciating the Little Things in Life

I just read in U.S.A. Today that Utah has the largest number of depression cases per capita of the 51 states! This article jolted me back to my senses because lately I have been a "little" down. I'm not sure whether it's the holiday season or just feeling overloaded. So I to have to give myself time to think and be alone.

When I just let my mind go without any directions I stumble across people and events in my life where I wish I had done some things differently. Then I pause at certain events or persons to have a conversation or rerun the movie. Then I can feel a sense of calm come over me. I can remove the judgement of myself and just allow me to be the imperfect person I truly am.

In spie of my imperfections, I have many close, trusted friends. I have family that would give me the clothes off their backs. And I have two close friends who love me unconditionally. I'd say I'm pretty well off. Yet, this feeling sort of hangs there with less intensity but reminding me of a life well-lived with many learning lessons.

When I take time to appreciate the little things that are free, but earned through honesty, trust, and love I begin to get some idea what being a human is all about. Like my health, friends, family, and events that have made me successful from sources I have no control of or clue of where they originate. I am convinced that as long as I appreciate and honor the little things in life, the big things will take care of themselves!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Are We Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience?

I know most of us have heard this expression before. But I wonder if we have seriously thought about its implications. The important element is "point of reference" or more precisely "point of origin." If we were or continually are spiritual beings experiencing a human lifetime, then it implies that "who we really are" are spiritual beings in origin.

Therefore, my human experience as Bill is an extension or an aspect of my spiritual self. This assumption or conclusion raises some interesting questions. Like "How many times do I get to have human experiences." Probably only once as Bill. But what about others human experiences as Chad, Mutiu, Chang, or Alexi? And who decides these other human experiences? Do I know, in advance, who I will be, from the spiritual point of reference; after all progressive time does not exist in the spiritual realm!

Another interesting question is, "Can I have simultaneous human experiences as Bill and Chad? If so, would there be a strong attraction between Bill and Chad, no matter where they were born or raised. Would the attraction be so strong, that we would inevitably find each other on planet Earth?

A variation of the scenario above is, "If my spiritual vibration is very close or identical to another spiritual being, what are the implications if we decide to have human experiences simultaneously! The former is a Soul Mate and the latter is a Twin Soul. Would we decide to become human beings together, before being born? Would we remember after becoming human beings? Would our human lives be inextricably tied? No matter what the specific form the drama might take? Marriage, divorce, close friends, business partners, sisters, brothers, etc.

All interesting questions! But they all arise from the basic quotation most of us use quite often and declare makes sense--We are spiritual beings having a human experience! Are we really?

I am interested in your thoughts,

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Animal Kingdom--Part Four Uploaded

The plot thickens as the various animal groups decide how to protect themselves with the impending crisis they face. After downloading the various parts, send them to friends you know who will enjoy them. My intent is to create as wide a distribution as globally possible!

Listen and enjoy,

Friday, November 9, 2007

Human Compatibility--Human Compassion

^The central theme in the free download audio book Animal Kingdom is human compatibility. Why are we so challenged by simply getting along with each other? We tout our scientific and technological advancements as evidence of our evolution as a species, but we continue to destroy each other and the planet that supports our existence. The momentum to do the latter appears to be unstoppable until we collectively face a threatening crisis.

I guess the old statement about change is true. Human beings don't change unless they have to! We are too invested in our way of thinking and believing is right and others who disagree are wrong. This is true right down to the one-on-one relationship level. We all collectively support and behave this paradigm of thinking--even at our own peril. That way of thinking does not appear to be a highly evolved to me!

On the other hand, there are millions of people who work tirelessly everyday for the welfare of others and planetary conservation. Most of these individuals begin by learning to be a difference as their rite-of-passage to making a difference. That is, they attend their own transformation first! Then with humility and compassion, they offer assistance to others in helping them find their own solutions.

I have friend who deals with recurring migraine headaches. I suspect the source is deeply programmed in his reality. At first, I found myself being angry at him for not wanting to explore this source and resolve it. Instead, he chooses to suffer every month or so. When I got real straight that compassion is accepting how another chooses to create his or her path and being there for support, love, and/or conversation when requested, our relationship about his migraines transformed. I learned the issue he is dealing with requires the pain he experiences as due punishment for his unresolved deed--at least in his reality.

I guess human compassion begins with simply accepting others unconditionally as a prelude to influencing their compatibility with others and themselves. The fundamental issues we must deal with are righteousness and ethnocentrism--the human tendency to believe our way of thinking and believing is superior to others. This is not a highly evolved state of consciousness!

I hope these questions are raised as you listen to Animal Kingdom.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Animal Kingdom--Third Chapter is Loaded

the third chapter of the book Animal Kingdom is available for downloading. If you like it distribute to all your friends and send them to to the www.where-to-now.com site.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Animal Kingdom--Second Chapter Audio Version

The second chapter of Animal Kingdom is posted--the audio vesion.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Animal Kingdom--An Audio Version

I have begun posting a free download audio version of the book Animal KIngdom-A Diversity Fable for your enjoyment. As you listen to each of the chapters on a weekly basis, please enter comments where you choose.


Monday, October 8, 2007

How to Become a Total Failure--Rule #5 "It's All About the Money!"

I think Rule #5 is clear. In the U.S. and probably everywhere else, except possibly Tibet, "Money equals Success!" So the objective for success is to get all the money you can. The problem is, you will probably come face-to-face with some moral dilemma sooner or later. That dilemma will be the moment of truth of your commitment to this rule for failure. If you are anything like most people you'll probably have to learn through the "workshop of life." That is, you'll compromise (a little) of the right thing to do and go for the big pay off. Only to learn that the little compromise was your undoing.

The most recent examples of this situation are the admissions of Jason Giambi (New York Yankee baseball player) and Marion Jones (Olympic champion several times) use of steroids to enhance their performances. I would guess that the mental stress of knowing you cheated and trying to live with it is overwhelming. Which proves that there is something very deep within each of us that wants to be honest and truthful about ourselves. On the other hand, there are situations like Flyod Landis who claimed he did not use illegal performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France, although the tests indicated he did; unlike the tests for Lance Armstrong.

The endorsement and notoriety payoffs in these situations are enormous. It's all about the money and being set for life. Except for the fact that if there is the "slightest" doubt, then someone will go to the ends of the earth to expose You! If you don't do it to yourself, he or she will. In the case of competition, there is always someone just as driven to win as well as collect the "gold" that comes with the win.

As Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) states in the movie Wall Street , "Greed is Good. Greed is right. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit." At some level within each of us, particularly in the U.S., this is the credo that equates to success. Until, of course, we experience the fate of Bud Fox in that same movie. He is arrested for insider trading and apparently learns his lesson. However, he still does the time. So keep in mind the lyrics, "Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time!

The point of this rule is, you have to define your own definition of success. Not those flaunted by the media, such as "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous." There are no famous people!!!! If you live your life full out with whatever you are good at. Then you are just as famous as anyone on this planet.. The only acknowledgement necessary is your own--which is commonly the most difficult one to get!

Write-in your stories of this rule so we can all learn more.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

How to Become a Total Failure!

That's the title of the book Phil Davis and I have written. The subtitle is "The Ten (10) Rules of Highly Unsuccessful People." The basic premise of the book is that we learn our most important lessons in life through experience or "The Workshop of Life."

As children, we are overwhelmed with choices about how to handle life. As a result, we are bound to program some choices that are not in our long-term best interest. Such as, "Look out for #1." Since everyone else seems to be using this rule successfully, we also adopt it. For example, don't share your knowledge or homework with someone else, since they might get a higher grade than you. If they haven't put in the work, that's tough! After all, there only so many "As" available.

By the time we get through schooling and go into the world of work, we have perfected the skill of #1. We begin planning our careers by looking out those opportunities that are in our best interest. After all, we're not plotting the downfall of others. That is, as long their interests don't conflict with ours. We decide what people are needed in support of our quest, and we use them accordingly. After all, if they are too stupid to look out for themselves, there's no hope for them anyway! "It's life. It's not personal."

The problem with this approach is when we encounter someone more ruthless or skilled than we are at "Looking out for #1," then we are in trouble. Because we are likely to get "screwed." This experience is both good and bad. Bad because we lose at winning or gaining some advantage. And good because we are likely to learn the lesson that winning at the expense of others will not sustain our success in the long run; no matter how much short-term success we have. The earlier we learn this life lesson, the greater success, contentment, and well-being we will experience. (I didn't learn this lesson early in life. What about you?)

It's a collaborative world. We can't make it without each other. If even if we apparently do win, what will we have won?

Please share your own personal stories of "Looking out for #1." I will be pleased to post them on this Blog site.

The book will available as e-book in two weeks. Next blog: Rule #4.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Time For Reflection

As summer fades into the sunset, I begin to look inwardly; much like a bear hibernating for winter. I evaluate my life in terms of what I am doing in comparison to what I say I would like to do.

Relationships are still the dominant force in my life. Just being with people who love me unconditionally. Those with whom I trust with my life. Those who I am tied to in a spiritual bond of love and friendship.

I recently met a Vice President of Human Resources for a Hospital Organization. She was not only fascinating in her power to influence her colleagues, but also had a "presence" that emanated energy of the highest frequencies. I found myself simply fascinated to be around her.

These are the types of people we all have in our lives when we stop to reflect on how they have supported us in times of difficulty and crisis. The most powerful support is having us recognize the power within ourselves to overcome any difficulty we create in our lives.

I have the belief that "problems and solutions " are created simultaneously. Problems are clearly visible and solutions are hidden from us. That means that we are ultimately the only ones who can solve our problems. However, in order to do so, we must resolve some aspect of our ego belief system. This is very difficult to do since most of us believe we are right about any conflict we have!

If you are presently going through a difficult time at present, then let me know anonymously and the combined effort of this site's readers will offer our solutions. I'll post your situation anonymously. You might get some free, valuable ideas for resolution!

Let's hear from YOU.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Resilience, Transformation, and Leadership

Next week I will be presenting a keynote speech focusing on the interrelationship of resilience, transformation, and leadership. If we simply define resilience as the ability to adapt to both gradual and abrupt change, we might also suspect that the major challenge we are dealing with is the acceptance of a different reality--or a transformation in mind-set.

For example, when the levees broke in New Orleans, precipitated by Hurricane Katrina, the resulting flooding and disappearance of New Orleans as I knew it growing up was a very difficult reality to accept. Even the television pictures were not powerful enough to transform my thinking. I had to actually go there and experience the devastation to move through Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' model of Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. This process was a test of my resilience to change. But most of all, the acceptance that New Orleans would never be the same again! Period!

The process of working as a facilitator with the Hurricane Katrina Utah Support Group helped measurably in my moving through the five-step process. The mutual, support, sharing, and self-organizing we did to survive and adapt to Utah, I define as "collective leadership." Where I define leadership as the ability to influence the thinking (acceptance of the new reality), commitment (the commitment to reinvent their lives), and the performance (through empowered behaviors) of others.

During the very early stages, a more individualistic leadership was necessary to inspire others with hope and desire to ask the question: "Where to now?" Getting to that place was different for each individual, because it required the the five-step journey of Kubler-Ross. At the culmination of this journey, an extremely high level of resiliency is acquired--in addition to whatever existed before by virtue of their race, sex, or other "isms" prevalent in our society requiring adaptive behaviors.

The point is resiliency is a measure of our unique abilities to adapt to change. The change that is required for adaptation is transformation of of our mind-set with respect to accepting a different reality. The process of getting to that place is usually assisted by the influence of others--either individually or as a group.

P.S. Phil and I will be announcing our new blockbuster book very soon! I will also be announcing a date and time for a free webinar on Leadership.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Diversity, Empowerment, and High Performance

A new twenty-minute podcast is availbale for your listening pleasure. Great for workouts, running, walking, or just being in a learning mode.

Have a great day.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Leadership for the 21st Century

Here in the U.S. we are lining up for our next presidential election. Many of those running are from the "old school" of 20th century thinking and politics. Some align their strategy on what they think many Americans want to hear. Namely, that we are in a simple adjustment period, but we are still "masters" of the world. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We are in a transformation of influence and power from a Western-dominated world to an Eastern-dominated world. To the first point above (U.S. domination), if you exchange $500 U.S. dollars to Euros, you get back, on the street, 322 Euros. That reality will probably not change very soon. If China, India, and Japan as well as other Eastern economies were to seriously align, the Eastern shift would occur at significantly accelerated rate.

What we need in the role of leadership, globally, are "leaders" who are willing to tell the truth of the changing nature of the world and how we can best adjust to that reality! Self-interest nationalism is a totally out-dated concept. It's based on the pretense that we do not live in an interconnected world. Many, if not most Fortune 100 U.S. companies earn more than 50% of their income outside of the U.S. Fortunately, business realizes they cannot survive and prosper in a world of illusion!

It is crucial to have political aspirants who are willing to have us learn to find a constructive way of adjusting to the changing world reality. Not those who pretend we can go back to the so-called "glory-days" when western-oriented countries did dominate the world economic, political, monetary markets.

Part of the problem is our U.S.-centric news media. If you view CNN News in the U.S. and compare it what you see and hear on CNN Mexico or CNN Europe, you might get the impression that we are living in two or three different realities on the same planet!

My definition of leadership is one who influences others to adjust to the rapidly changing reality that affects their well-being. Telling us what we want to hear by pretending we can "hold-on" to an outdated reality insults the intelligence of us all. I believe we are mature enough to handle the reality that roughly 85 to 90 percent of the world's population are "people of color." In the U.S., that percentage is in excess of 33%; not counting illegal aliens. I project that percentage in the U.S. will be at least 40% by 2020.

We need someone who will tell us that global warming is a reality, that we consume too much energy, that we need to seriously cut harmful emissions; or fundamentally, that we live in a finite world with finite resources. If we don't heed these realities, then we deserve exactly what we get in terms of so-called leadership. Barring anyone willing to begin telling us the truth about our interconnected and transforming world, we are each 100% responsible for learning and accepting the truth ourselves!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Be cool

I am off on vacation for a week. I invite Guest Bloggers. Most of you must have something to say! So say it!

Peace and Love,

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Being a Difference or Making a Difference?

Which would you choose? Most people want to make a difference. Why? I suspect because they want to see tangiible results for their efforts. But do tangible results mean that something happened that will sustain over time. Or, are we seeing a "temporary fix?" Something that make US feel good about making the world better place by making someone else better.

The question I have is "Did we really make them better or did we really get a temporary fix because of our own self-importance? Do we really have the power to make others better in the firast place? The truth is the only person we have the power to make better is ourselves!

On the other hand, being a difference is whole other matter. It is clear that we enter into a symbotic relationship to experience mutual transformation. Transformation is the only experience that truly "makes a difference." Once there is an irresversible change in mind-set then one's entire outlook on life transforms. Whatever one needs to "do" to make his or his life work becomes an opportunity not a unsurmountable challenge.

The major challenge with being a difference is that You will have to change along with whatever or whoever it is you are trying to change. In other words you subject-object relationship will have to change to Oneness.

I remember when I used to conduct Minority Enhancement programs. I thought I was actually changing them. O found out they decided whether they chose to change or not. And all the science in the world I imparted made absolutely no difference until "they" decided that want to learn.

This is the breakthrough: Until I transformed my mind-set from improving them to "being the change" (Gandhi) I sought for them, then I made absolutely no difference!

The Bill & Phil book. A blockbuster! Coming very, very soon!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Changing the World Through Simple Acts of Kindness

I've always believed that I had the power to change the world, but life has taught me that it is an overwhelmingly difficult, if not, impossible task. What I have come to learn is that the instant I take the "I" out of the statement, in thought and deed, then a whole new dynamic appears. For what naturally replaces "I" is "we." "We" is literally infinite in dimension. It goes on forever in both time and space.

For example, communicating in cyberspace is a non-physical encounter with no limitations. The "we" that share the contents of this blog extends as far and wide as this energy transmission can go and be received. The power to change the world depends on the power of the message and readiness of the "we" to accept and live consistent with the message. And now the message: Along with me, I invite you to think and live "simple acts of kindness for one week." View every encounter you have as an opportunity to transform that relationship to peace, harmony, and love. (I know this invitation sounds mushy but examine your own mental, physical, and spiritual well-being afterwards.) You might start with your family or those you encounter on a daily basis.

Here is a list of what I plan to think and do for the next week:

1) I will be aware of how I prejudge others I know based on history. I will assume I am experiencing those close to me for the first time with no history brought into the present moment.

2) I will say "thank you" for every act of kindness done for me.

3) I will think of whose day might be brightened with a flower and give them one.

4) I will acknowledge to someone how important he or she is to the quality of my life.; particularly, where I have been meaning to say it for some time.

5) I will buy a new plant and nurture it to symbolize a new beginning to nurturing my own life in terms of body, mind, and spirit.

6) I will give to others in need, regardless fo their condition in life.

7) I will pay close attention to the needs of my children that I may have recently neglected.

8) I will allow others to be or go first and celebrate their success.

9) I will conserve my use of water, electricity (power), food, to use only what I absolutely need.

10) I will live all of the above without the expectation of acknowledgement, change on someone else's part, or even their conscious awareness of what I have done.

I invite you to make your own list (long or short) and live it as is appropriate for you.

Most of all, invite someone you know do the same if you believe this invitation to be an act of kindness. Together we can change the world with "Simple Acts of Kindness."

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Living Without Fear--A Gift

I have attached to this blog a booklet titled "Living Without Fear" as a gift. Please enjoy it and write comments. Although the publication at the time involved Katie Guillory, she is no longer my wife.
Click here to download the file

Click here to read online.


Friday, June 15, 2007

It's a Small, Small World

Anyone who has been around Walt Disney stuff knows this song. The fact of it is becoming more real for each of us daily. Borders are a meaningless separation no matter how hard we try to use them for security, protection, or simply to keep others out. Something happens on the Chinese stock market, it's felt around the world. The U.S. has just experienced it's greatest trade deficit with China of staggering proportions. What does that mean anyway?

The World Bank loans money sparingly to poor countries with a suggestion for them to pay it back. Then we expect them to compete on a global stage to earn money to pay the debt; with interest. Then we come to the conclusion that there is no way they can pay it back, whatever proportion was truly used for the best interest of people.

Then there is the Internet which allows this communication. By the number of visitors attracted to this site I feel like I'm sitting in your living room having a chat. Sharing ideas primarily to establish relationship; not to be right about my thoughts. It helps to know that we are connected and probably thinking about the same things: security for our families; peace in the world; and enjoyment of the little daily things in life.

In spite of all the important people running the world we can still reach out to each other to share the truly important things in life. Maybe this weekend you might give some thought to what these are for you and your loved ones. For me it begins with my children; my significant other; my relatives; my work in global transformation; and the taste of a good cup of coffee every morning. I suddenly realize, I am wealthy!

P.S. Phil and I will be coming out with a new book very soon. Be on the look out for it!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Universal Mind in Cyberspace

A friend just told me of a recent article he read on the Internet. The article predicted that practically information and new knowledge generated would be hosted by the Internet for everyone's use free. Your personal computer would simply be a vehicle for accessing this storage base. It would not be used as we presently do so. Whenever something new and creative is generated, it would automatically become integrated into the universal source. This concept seemed to approach what metaphysical people describe as "Universal Mind." At least, within the bodymind realm.

If so, I have a few interesting questions to pose:

1) What happens to copyrights. Are there any anymore? Are they necessary?

2) Does anyone own information and new knowledge?

3) Is there any such thing as privileged information?

4) Most of all, what are the implications of mental oneness with physical separation? Does physical separation become an illusion?

By the way, I have a couple of new ten-minute diversity podcasts on the site for your listening enjoyment: "The Business of Diversity" and "Personal Discovery."

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I haven't written blog in a week or so because I've been doing some thinking. I been wondering how bad does it have to get before we (the average person) decide that we are 100% responsible and 100% accountable for the condition of Planet Earth. I suspect most of us believe we are innocent victims of the system or that our leaders (whoever they are) will somehow save the day. Or at least we can blame them when things start to fall apart. When I speak of we, I am speaking of every inhabitant of Planet Earth.

The condition of the planet is that we have had 10,000 wars in 5,000 years; with no end in sight. More than 40% of the U.S. population is health uninsured. The rate of poverty and starvation continues to increase in spite of the fact that there is enough food to feed every person on this planet. Most of us live in a constant state of fear. In the U.S., we are individually the most armed nation on the planet. We live in fear of each other. Yet we all seem to be looking for something that brings us peace, love, and happiness.

However, peace, love, and happiness are not free. Fortunately, the cost is not money. It costs something more challenging than earning money. It requires a transformation in way we view reality. The problem here is that we all, 6 or 7 billion of us, think that our reality is not only right but the only one that makes sense! Even in this day and time, most religions are still claiming they are the only true religion. With this mentality, I wonder some time how we've lasted this long.

I'm sure you've heard the story about the rat, the tunnel, and cheese. A rat will go down a tunnel once or at most twice. If there is no cheese, he or she tries another tunnel. But not humans. We continually go down the same tunnel of conflict, endlessly. The beliefs and attitudes we have about each other are so hard-wired, that we'd rather end our existence than change or more precisely, transform.

This whole discussion is why I believe diversity is the most important phenomena of the 21st century. Our willingness (not ability) to understand, respect, and ultimately value differences is the only hope for our continued existence on planet earth. Transformation can come about through either "tipping point global transformation" or "catastrophically driven transformation."

The point is this: When a majority of us individually and collectively decide to live as though peace, love, and understanding already exist, the the reality will appear at blinding speed--without the necessity of any great (or ungreat) leader. When we realize that leadership is the "living will of the people," we will have gotten it!

P.S. I will be posting some new podcasts soon.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Diversity--The Spice of Life

No matter where you look these days diversity is ever present. I think of diversity as being synonymous with differences. I used to think that you needed another person as part of your experience for diversity to play out, such as a relationship, collaboration, or a team sporting activity. But more recently I am finding more points-of-view in my own thinking. Me, myself, and I are not agreeing so easily on everything as we used to.

In fact I thought disagreeing within your self was schizophrenia rather than diversity. But what I am beginning to believe is that it is the start to seeing the world through someone else's eyes. This insight is the first step to understanding others or empathy--to be and see the world through someone else's experience. When I have this experience with someone I am having conflict with what I experience is fear. And fear triggers survival behaviors; fight or flight or both, depending on the situation.

Right now I am in the process of writing a co-authored book with one of my best friends. I respect him and I love him as a person. We are significantly different in race, background, age, life experiences, religion, and many other dimensions of diversity. Yet I find it easy to listen to him and his differing views on relationships, the war, religion, the strong issues involving race and sex in the U.S. In fact, I always come away transformed in my own thinking by his non-threatening way of communicating.

I find I am more influenced by him than all the news media--paper or cyberspace--around. Over time, I've sought out people in my life who are significantly different in their thinking than I am without feeling threatened. I have concluded that my reality is not only not right, but is in constant transformation--as is life.

However, what I have also noticed is that we have a spiritual commonality. We are spiritual beings having a human experience--the ultimate source of conflict is nonalignment of this principle with human belief and behavioral systems. We are all interconnected--what happens to you will eventuality happen to me. We are one undivided family--the illusion of separateness creates ethnocentric conflict which breeds the apparent necessity for superior/inferior, right thinking/wrong thinking, best way/worse way, and the endless dichotomies the rule our thinking.

As I have stated previously, diversity is the most important phenomenon of the 21st century. Our willingness (not ability) to embrace it and make a reality will determine our fate on this planet we call Earth.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Transformation and the Spiritual Way

I recently gave a speech on integrative health care. Yet if you asked me exactly what I said I cannot recall specifically. I prepared extensively what I wanted to say but when I began my written speech became more of a nuisance than an aid. Then I did something not unusual for me. I began having a conversation. Except it was like one the TV anchors. The dialogue just flowed through me.

The sequence of conversation took it's own flow. One sentence led to another without my conscious interference. The time in my reality disappeared. I could read faces as though they were telepathing thoughts about examples I should use or the direction the speech should take.

I would glance at the powerpoint slides just at the time the conversation would lead to a certain point. Then I came back and audience was staring at me as if I had said something important. I wondered what I had said. Now the feeling was of inspiration coming "through" me instead of through telepathing.

The messages were very clear.

1) Obstacles you encounter are not meant to be solved by you alone. They are there for your discovery of love and connectedness with others.

2) Since no one really owns the resources of the Earth what you need will find its way to you if you do not block it with walls of isolation--whether your need is love, support, learning, money, peace, renewal, or recapturing the love you alienated.

3) The act of forgiveness is really an act of your own humility, since you truly do not have the power to forgive another. You do have the power to forgive your own incompletion of internally-sourced anger that is often expressed at some external situation or person.

4) As long as you remember that you are spiritual beings (as point of origin) living a human existence then you realize love is what gave rise to your existence. And love is what gently guides you through the obstacle course of life.

5) The love We speak of is a smile, a hello, a few coins for someone in need, a non-judgemental attitude for a misdeed, letting someone else go first and you go second, and the recognition and acknowledgement that nothing you accomplish is done alone.

6) And finally, problems, more often than not, resolve themselves when you decide to resolve your inner conflict that fuels emotions of fear and anger.

These are a few thoughts for you to dwell on Bill.


Transformation and the Spiritual Way

I recently gave a speech on integrative health care. Yet if you asked me exactly what I said I cannot recall specifically. I prepared extensively what I wanted to say but when I began my written speech became more of a nuisance than an aid. Then I did something not unusual for me. I began having a conversation. Except it was like one the TV anchors. The dialogue just flowed through me.

The sequence of conversation took it's own flow. One sentence led to another without my conscious interference. The time in my reality disappeared. I could read faces as though they were telepathing thoughts about examples I should use or the direction the speech should take.

I would glance at the powerpoint slides just at the time the conversation would lead to a certain point. Then I came back and audience was staring at me as if I had said something important. I wondered what I had said. Now the feeling was of inspiration coming "through" me instead of through telepathing.

The messages were very clear.

1) Obstacles you encounter are not meant to be solved by you alone. They are there for your discovery of love and connectedness with others.

2) Since no one really owns the resources of the Earth what you need will find its way to you if you do not block it with walls of isolation--whether your need is love, support, learning, money, peace, renewal, or recapturing the love you alienated.

3) The act of forgiveness is really an act of your own humility, since you truly do not have the power to forgive another. You do have the power to forgive your own incompletion of internally-sourced anger that is often expressed at some external situation or person.

4) As long as you remember that you are spiritual beings (as point of origin) living a human existence then you realize love is what gave rise to your existence. And love is what gently guides you through the obstacle course of life.

5) The love We speak of is a smile, a hello, a few coins for someone in need, a non-judgemental attitude for a misdeed, letting someone else go first and you go second, and the recognition and acknowledgement that nothing you accomplish is done alone.

6) And finally, problems, more often than not, resolve themselves when you decide to resolve your inner conflict that fuels emotions of fear and anger.

These are a few thoughts for you to dwell on Bill.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Spirituality and Health

I am in the process of preparing for a speech titled "Health, Wellness, and Spirituality." It is to be given next week at a conference of the Integative Health Network in Salt Lake City, Utah. When I attempted to write about the connection between spirituality and health, I suddenly realized that I had no idea what the connection is! A blank!

Then I began to review what I perceive spirituality to be; that which comes from within, beyond the belief structures of the bodymind consciousness. I define health as a state of natural body functioning. This means that the body needs little in the way of artificial support for its natural functioning, consistent with its age and predisposed genetic disposition.

If I assume connectedness and oneness to be natural spiritual principles of human existence, then belief structures and behaviors which attempt to create a reality of separateness is the source of discord, division, and conflict in human reality; right down the the personal level. Diversity is the universal phenomenon which is attempting to have us realize the falsity of separateness.

By separateness I mean belief structures that support racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, etc that are translated into behaviors of discrimination. I had an experience the other day of a person who stated, "I'm glad my skin is white." Now I'm sure this person means something more than just color, but further implications of beauty, intelligence (involving technology), or possibly superiority. These notions are the obvious cause of most of the discord in the world today. But they all have in common the notion of separate and unequal by whatever measure one wants to use.

The reason diversity is so resisted is because, at its base, it fosters the concepts of connectedness and oneness. Since these are spiritual principles, that is the major reason diversity, as an acitve initiative, still exists today. Remember, it had its official origin about 1985. The ultimate objective of diversity is to create "cultural inclusion or compatibility." In essence, this means the collective human experience of transformation from separateness to oneness.

Oddly enough, in spite of the resistance to diversity, cultural compatibility is the only hope for continued human existence on this planet we call Earth. From a "scientific" measured perspective, that occurrence does not appear to be anywhere near a reality on anyone's radar screen!

What's your opinion?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Napa Retreat

This past weekend a friend and I spent a weekend in the Napa Valley in Northern California. We meet about three times a year with no agenda or reservations. The weekend unfolds as it unfolds. This weekend we were led to a conversation involving the Law of Intentionality. Which states, "you want what you have in your life."

For example, if you are in job you hate, you would rather have it than leave for something else--whatever the reason might be. If you are in an ongoing dysfunctional relationship, then that relationship is preferable to leaving it. And the list goes on and on, such as work-life balance, an unsuccessful career, under performing in school, etc. In essence, "you create your reality" more than you acknowledge to yourself.

Our conversations extended to groups. Are African Americans doing enough to help themselves? Is a position of victimization going to serve our best interests in the long run--irrespective of whatever wrongdoings have been done in the past? As America progresses at and accelerated rate, are we keeping pace? What are the consequences of being left behind? And most of all, is our own mind-set our greatest deterrent? How would we behave if we assumed 100% responsibility for our collective condition in the U.S?

We also discussed other groups. How would the state of racism transform if majority individuals admitted the racial bias and discrimination are active, alive, and practiced in every aspect of American society? How would the polarization that exists change if we truly began the process of cultural integration instead of cultural assimilation? What would happen if we created a "tipping point" of diversity by those in power?

These are a few of the questions we explored. We did decide that if humans are committed to their continued existence on this planet we call Earth, then we are going to have to begin asking, dialoguing, and acting on very, very, uncomfortable questions. I emphasize again, tipping points are never started by appointed leadership. They start because of the concern of people right where they are within the sphere they influence. The multiplying factor will take care of itself if there is sufficient public concern.

At the conclusion, we discussed the possibility of putting together "An African-American Leadership Retreat" focused on transforming the context of our approach to change rather than a content-oriented approach. The question we were left with is could we attract enough participants to attend? The number we had in mind is 20-25 participants. What do you think?

A Napa Retreat

This past weekend a friend and I spent a weekend in the Napa Valley in Northern California. We meet about three times a year with no agenda or reservations. The weekend unfolds as it unfolds. This weekend we were led to a conversation involving the Law of Intentionality. Which states, "you want what you have in your life."

For example, if you are in job you hate, you would rather have it than leave for something else--whatever the reason might be. If you are in an ongoing dysfunctional relationship, then that relationship is preferable to leaving it. And the list goes on and on, such as work-life balance, an unsuccessful career, under performing in school, etc. In essence, "you create your reality" more than you acknowledge to yourself.

Our conversations extended to groups. Are African Americans doing enough to help themselves? Is a position of victimization going to serve our best interests in the long run--irrespective of whatever wrongdoings have been done in the past? As America progresses at and accelerated rate, are we keeping pace? What are the consequences of being left behind? And most of all, is our own mind-set our greatest deterrent? How would we behave if we assumed 100% responsibility for our collective condition in the U.S?

We also discussed other groups. How would the state of racism transform if majority individuals admitted the racial bias and discrimination are active, alive, and practiced in every aspect of American society? How would the polarization that exists change if we truly began the process of cultural integration instead of cultural assimilation? What would happen if we created a "tipping point" of diversity by those in power?

These are a few of the questions we explored. We did decide that if humans are committed to their continued existence on this planet we call Earth, then we are going to have to begin asking, dialoguing, and acting on very, very, uncomfortable questions. I emphasize again, tipping points are never started by appointed leadership. They start because of the concern of people right where they are within the sphere they influence. The multiplying factor will take care of itself if there is sufficient public concern.

At the conclusion, we discussed the possibility of putting together "An African-American Leadership Retreat" focused on transforming the context of our approach to change rather than a content-oriented approach. The question we were left with is could we attract enough participants to attend? The number we had in mind is 20-25 participants. What do you think?

William Guillory, PhD

Born in the housing projects of New Orleans, Dr. Guillory went on to earn a doctorate degree in physical chemistry, publish over 100 articles on the topic, and serve as chairman of the chemistry department of a major university.

Two decades ago, Dr. Guillory left the academic world, but continues teaching -- now as CEO of corporate consulting firm Innovations International.

"Insights in Diversity" VIDEO


This blog provides practical ideas for answering the question of this site- Where to now? Wherever we find ourselves in attempting to improve relationships, work opportunities, and our lives in general, this site offers insights and practical suggestions. More>>

How to Become a
Total Failure

The Ten Rules of Highly Unsuccessful People

Free Download.
Visit the Failure Website
Animal Kingdom:
Free Download.
  iTunes Podcast
  Part 1
  Part 2
  Part 3
  Part 4
  Part 5
  Part 6
  Part 7
  Part 8
  Part 9
newThe Future Perfect Organization A speech presented to an ASTD Conference in December 2006.
POD-Shop This podcast is a workshop facilitated by Dr. Guillory in Acapulco, Mexico at an International Conference on the Exploration of Consciousness.
Phill's Virtual Book Tour Animal Kingdom & fate of the world.
Free Exerpts
Use this link to Download free excerpts from Animal Kingdom to experience the adventure captured in the book.
Animal Kingdom Interview
-- This free download about Animal Kingdom is an in-depth interview with the San Francisco News Personality Sue Kwon. She brings to life the essential message of this book and its relevance to our world today.
Spirituality in the Workplace
Free Download: This podcast is a stimulating interview by Judd Bagley with Bill Guillory on the subject of Bill's book, "Spirituality in the Workplace."
Rodney - A Young Person's Story
Free Download. This vintage audio book is intended for "Children of All Ages!"
  Part 1 of 10
  Part 2 of 10
  Part 3 of 10
  Part 4 of 10
  Part 5 of 10
  Part 6 of 10
  Part 7 of 10
  Part 8 of 10
  Part 9 of 10
  Part 10 of 10
The Business of Diversity
Free Download: This podcast is an introductory module on diversity.
Personal Discovery
Free Download: This podcast is an examination of the beliefs and attitudes we have that result in conflict.
The Science of Consciousness
Visit Website: The Science of Consciousness is the meta-experiential study of inner space.

Buy the Books
ANIMAL KINGDOM Animal Kingdom: A Diversity Fable.
The message of this book is quite simple and straightforward: “When we gain the humility to compatibly resolve our differences — both within and among different groups — we will also gain the wisdom to live and work together in greater harmony.” In Animal Kingdom, the message is to learn to “see through the eyes of others as a necessity to compatibly live and work together to survive an impending crisis. But in order to work together, each group must first learn how to set aside their own opinions, ideas, and even values in order to avoid an impending crisis.

To get the book on audio CD or in PDF format please e-mail us at: innovations@innovint.com

The Living Organization Spirituality in the Workplace
Talk of ethics, values and people all arise from one revolutionary movement--Spirituality. Dr. William Guillory shows how Spirituality is rapidly transforming the way people look at business, and the way businesses look at people. The Living Organization boldly reveals how companies can embrace this amazing revolution that is transforming corporate America.

Innovations International

900 East 5442 South, Ste 551
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Ph: 800-693-3594
Fx: 800-693-9340

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